Specialized Therapies & Treatment Approaches
Offering research-based speech, language and feeding therapy
Contact us to get started.
SCERTS Framework
We support children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families based on the SCERTS™ model (SC: Social Communication, ER: Emotional Regulation, TS: Transactional Support). SCERTS is an evidence-based model to help the child become a competent and confident social communicator, who is able to express themselves spontaneously with a variety of messages. As well, the SCERTS model supports the child's ability to learn and apply functional and relevant skills in the different situations they may encounter each day. Within this model, we collaborate with families and focus on abilities and supports that "lead to the most positive long-term outcomes as indicated by National Research Council (2001; Educating Children with Autism)"
For more information please visit scerts.com
Hanen Approaches
The Hanen Centre has developed a series of treatment approaches dedicated to supporting parents and educators of young children to use their daily interactions to build lifelong social, language and literacy skills. Research shows that parental involvement in a child's early intervention is critical, as children learn best at home where they are motivated to communicate with the important people in their lives.
The Hanen approaches are evidence-based coaching programs based on principles of adult learning. The goal is to train the adults in a child's life to use simple, effective strategies to facilitate communication development during every day conversations. Traditionally, Hanen sessions are delivered to parents and educators via online or in-person group classes, though the principles can be adapted and used in one-on-one coaching as well.
For more information, please visit hanen.org
SOS Approach to Feeding
The SOS (Sequential-Oral-Sensory) feeding approach supports children who are problem or picky eaters, children who have difficulty transitioning to solids, eating a variety of foods, or who eat limited volumes by mouth (e.g., children transitioning from tube feeds to oral feeds, children with limited weight gain).
The SOS approach supports the child's ability to progress in the skills and stages of feeding observed in typically developing children. This is a play-based and evidence-based approach that encourages children to interact with food, learn about food, and eventually try foods in a non-stressful manner that promotes a healthy relationship with eating.
For more information please visit sosapproachtofeeding.com
PROMPT Therapy
PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral-Muscular Phonetic Targets) therapy is an evidence-based therapy approach for children who have difficulties with speech sound delays and disorders. PROMPT utilities the tactile-kinesthetic (touch and feel) system to help the clients move their jaw, lips and tongue correctly to pronounce words. With this approach, the SLP provides direct feedback and guidance by placing their hands on the client's face to help them learn the correct movement patterns. PROMPT has been applied with success for children with apraxia, autism, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy.
For more information please visit promptinstitute.com