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Grocery Store Communication Board for Adults with Aphasia

Prep Time:

Number of Participants:

5-10 minutes

Activity Time:


Area Supported:


Adults, Aphasia, Language


About This Activity

Expressing wants and needs can be tricky for people with aphasia or other communication difficulties. Using a communication board can be helpful to communicate these common questions and requests at the grocery store.

Materials Needed

  • Printer

  • Laminator or sheet protectors


  1. Print out the communication board. Consider printing out multiple copies so that it is easily accessible. You can also consider laminating or putting the communication board in a sheet protector.

  2. Ensure that the person with aphasia is aware of what each picture means and how they can use it to communicate a message.

  3. Go to the grocery store together.

  4. Show the person with aphasia how to use the communication board (if they need help). You can model going up to someone at customer service, or someone at the store with a name tag or uniform. You can show them how they can point to the different pictures to communicate different messages.

  5. Let the person with aphasia try asking for help on their own using the communication board.

  6. Work with the person with aphasia to modify the communication board to their unique needs.

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